Graphic Animation

We have a dedicated team for desktop movies, which we describe as 3D Generalists. Whether it comes from advertising agencies as a ready-made storyboard or as a written text; As Mesai Film, we embrace quality, dedication and success.

We want you to be proud when presenting your presentations, from 2D to 3D, from 2D to 3D design, modeling and animations that best suit your dreams, to achieving the most realistic image in your architectural projects, in your projects where special effects are needed, and we achieve this.

While preparing pre-credits, back-credits, packshots, trailers and teasers for many subjects such as creative advertising strips, public service announcements, short films, feature films and TV series for television or the internet, we are here with creative ideas that have not been tried before. We look forward to working with Mesai Film, an expert in digital art.

3D Modeling and Animation

If what you need for your existing project is a promotion, an advertisement or a presentation, the best way to implement this in order to save both time and cost is to make your project three-dimensional. A product, an object, an object, a character, a mascot… We do this on your behalf. Thanks to our teammates who will present you the digital world in our wide working network, we design anything you want in three-dimensional form and provide you with technical support for your presentation or project, whether in visual or animated form.

2D Drawing and Animation

In the field of two-dimensional drawing and animation, which can be adopted in terms of style and is frequently preferred for web graphic advertisements and promotions, we are at your side technically with the same determination and meticulousness.


There is no limit to what you can shoot with the camera. But everyone wants the resulting image to be beautiful and appreciated. Storyboard is a simple, uncomplicated drawing plan where you depict your dream of how a shooting plan, a scene, an angle will look. Colorful or colorless, detailed or undetailed, if you have an idea that will be turned into a storyboard, we do it on your behalf with the highest quality.

Architectural Visualization

An unfinished construction or buildings that are finished but not yet prepared as desired… How would you advertise? How would you market it? All you have to do is give us your project or the visual of your buildings. We also work in the field of architecture so that you can make visual presentations or marketing in the way you want, with photo-realistic quality. You need architectural visualization to show what you imagine. We do this on your behalf.

Visual FX

We produce unique visual effects for your projects, films and promotions that are in the post-production phase or are still at the idea stage. We prepare packshots on subjects such as credits and advertising banners, visual transitions, effects and teasers and trailers for your promotions and advertisements. Do you need your logos to be animated? We design logo-intros that are unique to the story of your logos for you.