As Gemba Ajans, we aim to increase the internal communication and efficiency of businesses by providing solutions for the specific needs of our customers with webportal designs for intranet.

As Gemba Ajans, our main focus is to provide our customers with user-friendly, customizable and secure intranet webportals. We are aware that every business has different needs, so we apply a special design process for each project. Working collaboratively, we take the time to understand our customers’ business processes and identify their specific requirements.

Our webportal designs are strengthened with modern design trends and offer the highest level of performance in terms of user experience and usability. Thanks to custom user roles and authorization systems, our customers maximize data security by ensuring employees only access the information they need.

The success of a webportal is closely related to the effective management of content and information. That’s why we offer content management systems and database integrations to our customers. In this way, it is possible to easily update the content and organize the content flow.

Customer satisfaction is one of our top priorities as Gemba Agency. At every stage of our projects, we constantly work to improve designs and functions, taking into account our customers’ feedback. As a result, we successfully deliver intranet webportals that best suit our customers’ business needs.

As Gemba Agency, we will continue our commitment to remain a company that leads digital transformation processes and supports the success of our customers in the future. We will continue to strengthen the internal communication of businesses and increase efficiency with our webportal designs carefully prepared for each project.

